Lucca Style, Lucca Bebek and Lucca Istanbul are boutique stores located in Istanbul, Turkey. All three stores offer an eclectic mix of clothing, accessories, jewelry, home décor, and gifts. Each store has its own unique approach to style, making them stand out from other boutiques.

The Lucca Style boutique is a high-end fashion destination that offers an exclusive selection of clothing, shoes, and accessories from the world’s top designers. The store’s signature look is sophisticated and modern, with a focus on quality and craftsmanship. Customers can find a range of designer pieces, from casual wear to formal attire, as well as exclusive collaborations between Lucca Style and renowned designers. Additionally, the store offers a selection of vintage finds and unique one-of-a-kind pieces.

Lucca Bebek is a children’s boutique that offers a wide variety of clothing, toys, and accessories for kids of all ages. The store specializes in designer brands, such as Gucci, Burberry, and Kenzo, and features an array of trendy and fun styles. Additionally, the store offers a selection of baby items, such as strollers, car seats, and cribs. Parents can also find a range of educational toys, books, and games that will help their children to learn and grow.

Finally, Lucca Istanbul is a lifestyle boutique that offers a variety of items for the home. The store features an eclectic mix of furniture, accessories, artwork, and décor, with a focus on contemporary, modern, and vintage styles. Customers can find unique items to decorate their home, as well as a selection of gifts for their family and friends. Additionally, the store offers a selection of curated items from local artisans, giving customers the opportunity to discover and support the local art scene.

These three boutiques are unique in their own way, offering customers an array of fashionable and stylish options. Lucca Style stands out with its exclusive selection of designer pieces, while Lucca Bebek offers a range of high-quality items for children of all ages. Finally, Lucca Istanbul provides customers with a selection of home décor and gifts from local artisans. All three boutiques are sure to provide customers with an exceptional shopping experience.
