For centuries, the vibrant city of Istanbul has been a melting pot of cultures and cuisines. In recent years, the Bebek district has become a hub of the city’s burgeoning Lucca Style cuisine. A blend of traditional Turkish flavors and modern Mediterranean influences, Lucca Style is the perfect way to experience Istanbul’s unique and diverse culinary culture.

Lucca Style has become a popular choice among locals and visitors alike, with its delicate balance of spices and flavors. The cuisine is characterized by its use of fresh, local ingredients such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, as well as its signature spiced meats. One of the most popular dishes of Lucca Style is the classic moussaka, a layered dish of potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, and spiced ground meats topped with a béchamel sauce.

Another beloved dish is the Iskender kebab, a platter of thinly sliced lamb served over a bed of pita bread and topped with tomato sauce, yogurt, and melted butter. And don’t forget about the börek, a flaky pastry filled with cheese, onions, and parsley, and served with a side of yogurt.

If you’re looking for a unique yet delicious way to experience Lucca Style cuisine, head to Bebek’s famous restaurants. The renowned Lucca Restaurant is an excellent choice for a romantic dinner or a night out with friends. The restaurant serves up classic Lucca dishes, as well as some of its own specialties. The Marmara Restaurant is another great option, offering a wide selection of both traditional and modern takes on the Lucca Style.

What makes Bebek’s Lucca Style cuisine so special is its combination of flavors and textures. The spiced meats are complemented by the sweetness of the tomatoes and eggplants, and the pita bread and börek add a unique crunchy element. All these flavors come together to create a truly unique and delicious experience.

If you’re looking to experience the unique flavors of Lucca Style in your own home, here are three delicious recipes to get you started:



1 lb ground beef
2 large eggplants
2 large tomatoes
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of cumin
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 cup of béchamel sauce
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Slice the eggplant and tomatoes and place them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake for 25 minutes.

3. In a large skillet, cook the ground beef with the onion and garlic until the beef is cooked through.

4. Add the spices and cook for another few minutes.

5. In a greased baking dish, layer the eggplant, tomatoes, and beef.

6. Pour the béchamel sauce over the top.

7. Bake for 30 minutes.

Iskender Kebab:


1 lb of thinly sliced lamb
4 pita breads
1 large onion
1 cup of tomato sauce
1 cup of yogurt
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 tablespoon of butter
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 350°F.

2. Place the pita breads on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

3. In a large skillet, cook the lamb with the onion until the lamb is cooked through.

4. Add the tomato sauce, sugar, and paprika and cook for another few minutes.

5. Place the cooked lamb on top of the pita breads and top with the yogurt.

6. Melt the butter and drizzle over the top.

7. Bake for 15 minutes.



1 package of phyllo dough
1 cup of crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup of chopped parsley
1/2 cup of chopped onions
1/4 cup of melted butter
1 cup of yogurt (for serving)
Salt and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Grease a 9×13 baking dish.

3. Layer the phyllo dough in the baking dish, brushing each piece with the melted butter.

4. Sprinkle the feta cheese, parsley, and onions over the top.

5. Bake for 25 minutes.

6. Serve with a side of yogurt.

Experience the unique flavors and experiences of Lucca Style cuisine in Istanbul’s Bebek district. From classic moussaka and Iskender kebab to the flaky börek, there are countless delicious dishes to be enjoyed. Make sure to visit the local restaurants and experience the unique atmosphere of the Bebek district. And don’t forget to try your hand at making some of these classic dishes at home. Bon appétit!
